
When I started farming, we thought a lot about choosing a dog breed.
I had already read a lot about the Komondor, and what I liked most was its decisive character and independent thinking, and I also expected that my future dog would get along well with the family and the animals living on the farm.
My first Komondor became such a big love that I brought home two more puppies the following year, and then I bought more Komondors.
My granddaughter Gabi and I started going to dog shows and we achieved great success. Gabi took 4th place with her dog, Anka, at the national Junior Handler Championship. We proved that a komondor with a stable nervous system can also be controlled by a determined little girl after proper preparation. We have been to countless exhibitions and achieved outstanding success. Anka looks after the animals on the farm on weekdays and protects the area.
When the dogs reached the breeding age, I started the breeding work, keeping in mind that a healthy, stable nervous system, brave, family-friendly dog best meets today’s needs. These qualities cannot be taught, they can only be brought to the surface, a good komondor must know all this by instinct. For me, appearance is also important during breeding, since centuries of selection have shaped the breed into what we know it as today.
I follow the fate of every puppy I breed.