Our puppies

Below you can see the puppies born and raised by us from different pairings.

It’s nice to see how beautiful the “little white potatoes” born into your hands will be. Romulus ❤️ Anka’s big son! I think that’s what they call this child’s pure mother!😀

Kulcsi Komisz ANKA & Tápióvölgyi Dacos APOR 31/12/2022

Kulcsi Komisz ANKA & Zalai-Subás DUHAJ 07/06/2022


You can watch more videos on our YouTube channel:

Kulcsi Komisz ANKA & Hevesi Portám Kincse BOGLYA 20/04/2021

Kulcsi Komisz GARAS & Pengyomhegyi HOLDVIOLA 05/11/2020

Kulcsi Komisz PIHE & Kulcsi Komisz JOGAR 23/09/2020

Kulcsi Komisz PIHE & Kulcsi Komisz DARÁZS 16/07/2019
